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Richardson Pain & Wellness Blog

New Skin, New You: 4 Treatments to Start Your New Year Off Right

December 19, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonpw @ 2:34 pm
group of friends celebrating on New Year’s Eve

Are you a glass half empty or half full type of person? At the end of the year, you have two types of people: those who feel older and sadder as another year ends and those who see the new year as an opportunity to make changes and improvements for the better. Which one applies to you?

When it comes to your age and appearance, you can’t reverse the number you’ve reached, but that doesn’t mean you have to show signs of aging. With this new year, take advantage of available treatments that can help you turn back the clock and look as young as you feel.


Got Vitamin D? How This Vitamin Can Help Fight Aging

December 6, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonpw @ 3:27 pm
Vitamin D supplements in the shape of sun rays

These days, it can be challenging to keep up with all the nutrients your body needs. Even if you try to have a healthy diet and exercise, you can fall short. However, if you are low in Vitamin D like nearly one billion people worldwide, you could see the effects more obviously than with other vitamins through common signs of aging.

To learn more about Vitamin D and its impact on your health and appearance as well as your options for slowing symptoms of aging, keep reading!


Asked and Answered: 6 FAQs about Vitamin B12 Treatment for Weight Loss

November 27, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonpw @ 1:48 pm
hand holding a block with Vitamin B12 on it

You’ve dieted and exercised. You’ve measured food, and you’ve counted calories. You’ve tried oral supplements and downloaded apps, but nothing seems to help you shed excess weight. In desperation for results, you just might consider any and every option—even getting injections of Vitamin B12.

Before you jump on another weight-loss bandwagon, you should understand more about Vitamin B12. Here are some of the most common questions about this treatment that can give you a better idea of what to expect.


6 Easy Ways to Make a Fresh, Healthy Start Now

November 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonpw @ 7:19 pm
woman pointing up like she has an idea

The end of the year is almost here, which might have you thinking about New Year’s resolutions, such as becoming healthier. But you don’t have to wait until the first day in January to make a fresh start. In fact, there are several simple things you can do at any season of the year or at any age to be healthier and happier. Keep reading to learn what these things are!


HCG: What Is It and How Can It Help You Lose Weight?

October 26, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonpw @ 6:45 pm
HCG spelled out on wood blocks

In doing research about anything related to your health, you can run into many confusing acronyms. The everyday layperson can get lost trying to understand what LDL, BMR, and BMI even mean—before trying to comprehend how these things can impact health and weight.

In weight loss terminology, you may have heard about HCG before, but what exactly is it and how can it help you shed excess weight? Find out in the content below!


Want Long-Term Weight Loss? Follow These Tips!

October 11, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonpw @ 3:53 pm
healthy woman eating

With countless fad diets out there, you may find one that helps you lose weight for a while. But unless your diet and exercise plan is based on sound principles, you will probably see the weight come back eventually. To help you lose pounds and keep them off for the long haul, here are some great tips to stay on track with your weight loss.


Berberine: Legit or Snake Oil?

September 29, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonpw @ 12:23 pm
person taking dietary supplements

Every now and then, there’s news of a new diet supplement or diet that seems to have miraculous results. Within the last couple of years, a medication called Ozempic came onto the market and has had success in helping those with Type 2 diabetes keep their A1C levels in a healthy range. But it also has helped patients lose weight!

Even more recently, a dietary supplement has been called a “natural Ozempic.” Should you jump on this bandwagon and try this supplement to shed excess weight? Read on to learn why you should be wary of this new supplement.


5 Scenarios Indicating You Should Look into Vitamin B12 Injections

September 14, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonpw @ 3:33 pm
woman sitting on a couch smiling

On the shelves at stores, in commercials, in Facebook and other social media ads, you see various products that are supposed to keep the years from showing on your face and keep you feeling your best, but it can be difficult to identify the snake oil from legitimate solutions. One treatment trend that you should definitely consider is Vitamin B12 injections.

Why should you look into this solution further? What could Vitamin B12 possibly do to help you? Here are just some scenarios where Vitamin B12 can make a difference.


5 Dietary Tips to Help with Hypothyroidism

August 29, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonpw @ 3:37 pm
3D illustration of the thyroid gland

You’ve done everything right—you exercise regularly, you watch what you eat, and you get plenty of sleep every night. You should be losing weight, but you aren’t. Your thyroid, a gland that contributes to metabolic function, could be to blame. If you have an underactive thyroid, a condition called hypothyroidism, your metabolism could be slowing down to the point that you can’t achieve the results you want.

In addition to treating your hypothyroidism with your physician, there are dietary adjustments you can make so that your thyroid cooperates in your weight loss journey. Here are some tips you should keep in mind!


4 Ways a Dietician Can Help You Start to Lose Weight for Good

August 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonpw @ 2:12 pm
nutritionist working with a patient with a bowl of food on the table

When it comes to weight loss advice, you can get mixed messages from tons of different sources. While exercise is undoubtedly important, diet is where many people stumble and can get confused. However, there’s one professional who is poised to help with shedding excess weight—a dietician or dietician!

What can a dietician do for you as you try to lose weight? Keep reading to find out!

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