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5 Scenarios Indicating You Should Look into Vitamin B12 Injections

September 14, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonpw @ 3:33 pm
woman sitting on a couch smiling

On the shelves at stores, in commercials, in Facebook and other social media ads, you see various products that are supposed to keep the years from showing on your face and keep you feeling your best, but it can be difficult to identify the snake oil from legitimate solutions. One treatment trend that you should definitely consider is Vitamin B12 injections.

Why should you look into this solution further? What could Vitamin B12 possibly do to help you? Here are just some scenarios where Vitamin B12 can make a difference.


5 Dietary Tips to Help with Hypothyroidism

August 29, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonpw @ 3:37 pm
3D illustration of the thyroid gland

You’ve done everything right—you exercise regularly, you watch what you eat, and you get plenty of sleep every night. You should be losing weight, but you aren’t. Your thyroid, a gland that contributes to metabolic function, could be to blame. If you have an underactive thyroid, a condition called hypothyroidism, your metabolism could be slowing down to the point that you can’t achieve the results you want.

In addition to treating your hypothyroidism with your physician, there are dietary adjustments you can make so that your thyroid cooperates in your weight loss journey. Here are some tips you should keep in mind!


4 Ways a Dietician Can Help You Start to Lose Weight for Good

August 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonpw @ 2:12 pm
nutritionist working with a patient with a bowl of food on the table

When it comes to weight loss advice, you can get mixed messages from tons of different sources. While exercise is undoubtedly important, diet is where many people stumble and can get confused. However, there’s one professional who is poised to help with shedding excess weight—a dietician or dietician!

What can a dietician do for you as you try to lose weight? Keep reading to find out!


Testosterone and Hair Loss: Why Are You Going Bald?

July 26, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonpw @ 2:36 pm
man looking in the mirror at hair loss

You wouldn’t consider yourself vain, but you do take a little bit of pride in your appearance. Before you leave the house, you check yourself out in the mirror and start to notice that your full head of hair is looking a little thinner. You have family members who have gone bald, and you wonder whether you’ll have the same fate.

As you consider what could be in your future, you also wonder whether your testosterone and other hormone levels are causing this change. Read on to learn about the relationship between hair loss and testosterone and what you can do about it.


4 Essential Tenets of Successful Weight Loss

July 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonpw @ 4:03 pm
woman exercising

“I lost 30 pounds in my first month!” “You can lose weight without dieting or exercise!” If the promises made by weight loss programs sound too good to be true, they probably are. Contrary to what ads and commercials try to tell you, weight loss programs are not necessarily successful if you drop a ton of weight in a short period of time. It also matters how long you’re able to keep the pounds off and whether you are staying healthy.

So, what are the necessary tenets of a successful weight loss program? How can you know whether you’re doing it the right way? Here are things you need to do to successfully lose weight!


6 Myths About BOTOX Injections You Shouldn’t Believe

June 28, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonpw @ 3:11 pm
professional filling a syringe with BOTOX

Thanks to rumors, news stories of botched cases, and tall tales, you may think you know about BOTOX injections, but chances are you’ve only heard the myths surrounding this treatment. What is the truth behind the fiction? Keep reading to find out!


Ozempic Vs HCG: Comparing Medical Weight Loss Medications

June 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonpw @ 4:43 pm
woman holding a measuring tape to her stomach

Weight loss programs—it seems a new one comes out every year. While one claims it can help you shed 10 pounds in your first month, another says that miracle pills are the way to go. One of the newest medications on the market is Ozempic, a drug purported to help obese and Type 2 diabetes patients lose weight. But is it a good idea to take this medication with weight loss in mind? How does it compare to other medical weight loss medications like HCG? Keep reading to find out!


Peptides: The Secret to Younger-Looking Skin

May 29, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonpw @ 4:54 pm
closeup of peptide drops

As you scroll through your endless feed, you see photos of people who look incredibly good for their age and wonder how they do it. In one of your favorite influencer’s posts, they mention using peptides for anti-aging. Unlike certain fads that come and go quickly, the use of peptides is well documented, but you may want to know more about this treatment before you follow in your influencers’ footsteps. Get what you need to know here!


Dermal Fillers: Your Answer for Laugh Lines

May 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonpw @ 2:36 pm
woman getting dermal fillers for her laugh lines

You love hanging out with your old friends. They’ve known you forever and always make you laugh, but as you get ready to meet up with them, you notice in the mirror that your face looks older than you’d like, particularly around your mouth. Suddenly, you feel self-conscious about your age and appearance.

Did you know that you don’t have to simply accept the natural aging process? Although laugh lines indicate a lifetime of happiness, you may not want to show it on your face. But what exactly are laugh lines, and how are they treated? In this post, you’ll find the answers you’re looking for.


3 Ways the Pandemic Raised Demand for BOTOX

April 26, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonpw @ 2:22 pm
person getting BOTOX

Before 2020, you may have considered getting BOTOX or other cosmetic procedures, but you always thought you had time and put it off. Since the worldwide pandemic and its aftermath, you don’t want to postpone it anymore! You’re far from being alone. Clinics all over the country recently report having a dramatic increase in patients who want to get BOTOX and other similar treatments. But how could the pandemic have led to this rise? Keep reading to learn three solid possible reasons.

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